Making Your Timely Events and Calendar Private


Welcome to Timely Video Tutorials! Today, we’re diving into the topic of making your Timely events and calendar private. Let’s get started!

There are multiple ways to make your Timely events and calendar private.

First: Make Your Events Unsearchable

To make your events unsearchable:

  1. Go to Settings, then General and choose SEO Options.
  2. Check the box to exclude your calendar from search engine indexing.
  3. Then, click the “Save” button.

Please note, it may take some time for this change to apply due to search engine reindexing, so it’s best to do this before publishing events.

Second: Hide Your Calendar with a Password Protected Page or Private website 

If you have a private website, you can easily embed your Timely calendar on it, just like you would for a public website. 

Third: Change the Event Visibility to Private

Sometimes, you might wish to restrict the visibility of specific events. By default, all events are set as Public. By designating an event as Private, only logged-in users will have access to view the event on the calendar and its associated details.

To set an event as private:

  1. Navigate to the Events section in the left-side menu.
  2. Click on “Add Event.”
  3. There, locate the “Event Visibility” section. Here, you’ll find the option to choose between Public or Private. Opt for the Private setting and then save your changes.

This is particularly useful for exclusive gatherings, internal meetings, or events for specific audiences, ensuring confidentiality and controlled access.

Fourth: Save Events as Draft

Another option to limit the online visibility of specific events is to save them as draft. Here’s how to do it:

  1. First, create the event on your Timely dashboard.
  2. And instead of publishing it, Save it as a draft.
  3. The event will be visible in the Events > Draft section of your dashboard.
  4. To allow users to access these private events, create an Editor account for them.

Thanks for watching this tutorial. If you have any questions or need further assistance, our help center and support team are ready to assist you. Stay tuned for more tutorials, until next time!


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