With a Timely account, you can set up an event submission form integrated with your online events calendar, receive event submissions from your community, and easily manage and automate approvals. In this post, you will learn all the steps to approve and manage events submitters.
1. Approving New Event Submitters
When a new user signs up to your events calendar as an event submitter, you will receive a notification by email.
You can then login into your Timely account and approve or reject the new event submitter. You can also choose to automatically approve all events submitted by that particular event submitter.

2. Managing Event Submitters
To manage event submitters, go to your Timely account, click on the Community Events menu, and then on the Submitters tab. There, you will find information about all your submitters and be able to change properties for each of them, individually.

2.1. Listing Event Submitters
You can list your submitters by their names, email addresses or statuses. The status options are:
- Accepted;
- Pending; or
- Rejected.
Just click on the desired option, and the list will be filtered accordingly.
2.2. Editing Event Submitters’ Information
If you want to update information about any event submitter, place the cursor over the selected submitter, and then click on the Edit option.

A panel will open on the right side of the screen. You will be able to see the submitter’s First Name, Last Name and Email, but cannot change this information. Only the event submitter can change these fields.
The fields you will be able to change are the following:
a) Role / Permissions:
- Author;
- Editor;
- Administrator;
- Submitter; or
- Attendant.
* Be careful when changing permissions because you can turn a submitter into an administrator of your calendar, with full permissions.
b) Status
- Approved; or
- Rejected.
* The pending status is only available when the submitter creates an account using the Public Calendar and you need to decide whether you will approve or reject this submitter.
c) Automatically approve all events from this submitter
* To enable this option, disable the “Automatically approve new events submitted” setting under the Event Submission Form section in the Community Events Settings.

2.3 Deleting Event Submitters
To delete a specific event submitter, place the cursor over the selected submitter, then click on the Delete option.

A popup will open for you to confirm the decision. Click the Delete button to confirm, or the Cancel button to go back to the list of event submitters.

For more user guidance, please go to our Help Center. If you have any questions or need additional assistance, do not hesitate to contact us. Alternatively, you can open a support ticket from your Timely account’s dashboard.